2020-04-02 Site Update
Post edited on 4/4/2020. I removed django-summernote. I should have trusted my previous experience that WYSIWYG editors add too much extra fluff to the code. It is similar to the reason why I am not using Wordpress and choosing to write the blog code from scratch. I want to ensure that as much of the code is as clean as possible. There is room to improve the CSS which I am using from Pure CSS. Specifically, as it relates to Django and template inheritance. Another topic for another day. Anyway, here is the original post as it appeared before my edit: Not gonna lie....I'm a little bit excited:)The latest update includes a batch of style improvements but most noticeably I have included Django-summernote, a WYSIWYG text entry app that will allow easier post styling. Also, TIL (today I learned) that adding the "safe" filter to a Django template would have allowed me to format the prior posts a little bit better, resulting in actual paragraphs at a minimum. You live and you learn if you're lucky. I may go back and edit them later but for now I like to see the progression over time.The next piece of functionality will likely be the interface for co-authors. I can do that via the admin page prior to setting up a create page given that the author selection will be limited to a few that are personally invited and have an interest. Also, it is time for some security related content so you can expect the next post to run along those lines.Thanks for stopping by!